



When we
realize our insignificance in this world,
it some how relieves the
pressures from society to succeed -
Cindy Bonish 04/07
I found this on the
Ford Powerstroke
Forum website, and thought it was some
good info to know
for anyone who owns or is thinking of buying a diesel.
Here is another article about
Bio-Diesel and Going Green that is really worth reading. It
not only talks about the benefits of going green, but how we can cut our
ties with foreign oil! The best of both worlds.
We've gotten some
slack from some diesel-ignorant and those
eco-terrorists out there and thought this would be
some ammo to counter balance their arguments.
This is quite long, but a very good read
if you are on the fence with the Diesel VS. Gas/Petrol motor. Feel
free to link to it or show it to friends who think that Diesels are
dirtier then their gas motor competition.
Forget about all those smoky old buses and trucks, the truth is that the
modern diesel car is as clean, and probably cleaner than an equivalent
petrol car. Don't believe me? Read on.
The five main emissions for petrol and diesel cars are:
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
Of these five, a diesel motor is better than a
petrol motor with three of them, about the
same with one, and worse with one. Only one of these classes of
emissions is visible (particulates, or soot), and rather unfortunately
for diesel motors, that is the one which is
worse for them. The three emissions for which petrol
motors are worse are invisible, so you won't realize that they
are there; however they still cause harm to health and the environment.
What problems do these emissions cause, and how does diesel stack up:
Carbon Dioxide
Carbon dioxide is the main cause for concern at the moment, and is the
subject of international agreements to try to reduce its output. Carbon
dioxide is causing global warming; this is a known fact. Carbon dioxide
is produced by any burning of fossil fuels, and is caused by production
of electricity by most current powerstations; this means that electric
cars cause carbon dioxide emissions too. Carbon dioxide does not cause
any health issues.
Carbon dioxide emissions are directly proportional to fuel consumption,
and as diesel motors use 30 to 40% less fuel,
they emit 30 to 40% less carbon dioxide than petrol
motors. Natural gas and LPG motors are
actually quite fuel inefficient, if otherwise cleaner burning, and so
produce more CO2 than a diesel.
Although CO2 emissions are not directly harmful to us, they are changing
our climate. The legacy these emissions will leave will be felt by every
generation after us.
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide is a poison. It has no smell, but can kill you without
you realizing what is happening. Carbon monoxide is the reason why you
should not run you car engine (petrol) in a confined space. Diesel
engines produce virtually no carbon monoxide, a petrol engine produces
enough to kill you. The main remedy to carbon monoxide emissions of
petrol engines has been the introduction of catalytic converters,
however there are problems with catalytic converters:
They don't work until they are hot, maybe 10 or 15 minutes of driving.
As most car journeys only last 10 or 15 minutes, the catalytic
converters is not terribly effective.
They increase fuel consumption.
They are easily poisoned and stop working.
They are easily mechanically damaged.
Nitrogen Oxides
Nitrogen is the main constituent of the air that we breathe. When it is
exposed to high pressures and temperatures it combines with oxygen in
the air to form nitrous oxides.
The nitrous oxides then combine with low
level ozone to form smog. Because of the way a diesel engine works, with
an excess of air inside the engine (rather than "just enough" as in a
petrol engine, which is what causes CO emissions), nitrous oxides are
more likely to be formed. However tests of actual cars reveal that
whilst emissions of NOx are higher in a new diesel than a new petrol
car, that by 50,000 miles or so they are the same, and after that the
petrol engine produces more than the diesel.
Therefore over the life
cycle of the car, petrol and diesel engine emissions of nitrous oxides
are similar. Emissions of nitrous oxides can be effectively reduced in
both petrol and diesel cars by use of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR).
EGR reduces the combustion temperature to below the point where nitrogen
effectively burns.
Hydrocarbons include chemicals such as benzene. Benzene is an extremely
carcinogen chemical, and has been declared unsafe by the World Health
Organization in any concentration.
Hydrocarbon emissions are contained
in petrol engine emissions much more than in diesel engine emissions.
Benzene is also present in the fumes which can be smelt when filling up
with petrol at a service station, this is not a problem with diesel.
Particulates or smoke are really the only problem for diesels (compared
with petrol engines). Most of the controversies and newspaper scare
stories center around particulates. Various groups have been trying for
years to prove a link between diesel smoke and cancer, and so far have
failed to actually prove anything. Friends of the Earth may come up with
statements such as "Small particles are believed to lead to 8,100
premature urban deaths every year (1.9% of all deaths in urban areas)"
and then apply them to diesel emissions, but this is flawed because:
The studies were carried out in American cities where the penetration of
diesel in the market is lower. Any increase in deaths due to
particulates, if it exists, may be caused by
particulates from some other source; the particulates in question have
not been indisputably linked with diesel emissions.
Even in Europe, particulates from diesel motors
are a very small percentage of the particulate emissions which we
breathe; most are from industry.
Diesel engines emit more PM10 particles, that is particles which have a
diameter up to 10 microns, but petrol cars actually emit more PM1
particles than diesel ones. These particles are smaller than 1 micron
and are invisible. They are also more likely to penetrate deeply into
human lungs (as they are smaller) and look less like a natural dust
particle, which human lungs have evolved to cope with.
Even if particulates are a factor in the deaths of 8,100 people every
year in the UK, then these are the most seriously unwell people in the
country. The fact is that we are talking about 8,100 people who are
about to die, with or without particulates around.
The original research which led to the link between deaths and
particulates is being questioned. See Merlise Clyde's paper, Model
Uncertainty and Health Effect Studies for Particulate Matter, which can
ENVIRONMENT in Washington.
Click Here for that Download
Diesel motors are better than petrol
motors with reference to carbon dioxide, the
global warming gas.
Diesel motors are better than petrol
motors with reference to carbon monoxide, a
Diesel motors are better than petrol
motors with reference to hydrocarbons which
cause cancer.
Diesel motors are similar to petrol
motors with reference to nitrous oxides, which
cause smog.
Diesel motors are worse than petrol
motors with reference to particulates, which
have unproved health impacts.

Cool stuff. Good to know.
Miles A Memory
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