When we realize our insignificance in this world,
it some how relieves the pressures from society to succeed -
Cindy Bonish 04/07


The Kite Runner
By - Khaled Hosseini

Publisher - Riverhead Trade

With the United States always in turmoil with the Middle East, I have always struggled with the thought process of the Sunni and the Shi'a.  I've never understood why their land is so riddled with violence and their belief in this killing will guarantee their place in Paradise?

The Kite Runner opened my eyes to the fact that not everyone thinks the way these religious rulers do and allowed me a glimpse of what Afghanistan looked like from a young boys eyes living there before the Taliban took over.

This well written story of two young boys, Amir and Hassan who come from completely different backgrounds with completely different social statuses, allows the reader to see the world through their eyes.  I was able to see how innocent and beautiful their world was while at the same time see how utterly horrible life can be when it turns around.

The book allows the reader to feel the losses the Afghan people were subjected to when the Russian's invaded and the entire culture was thrown into chaos.  Wealthy Amir is forced to move to the United States where his life changes forever.  Leaving behind his best friend and servant Hassan.

The depiction of the love of his country and how hard it was to see his once beloved homeland become the war zone we know it is today, was something the author, originally from this area of the world, was able to describe to the reader in vivid realism.

I listened to an interview with the author Khaled Hosseini on NPR.  Numerous times did Hosseini have to remind the callers that these were fictional characters he had written about.  This only proves how convincing and powerful Khaled's writing is.  He brings such powerful meaning with his writing which provokes a powerful hatred that I held for the bad guys throughout the entire story.

I not only cried while reading this book, but I talked about it for days afterwards.  It stayed on my mind and worked it's way into many of my dreams for sometime.  I'd not only read the book again, but I've recommended it to many of my friends and family.




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