When we realize our insignificance in this world,
it some how relieves the pressures from society to succeed - 
Cindy Bonish 04/07


Movie Review Page

Cindy and I love to watch movies.  We're too poor to go see them at the theater, but we rent quite a few DVD's and usually watch a new release when ever we get the chance.

Into the Wild - Sean Penn Directs a Masterpiece - Paramount Advantage

I Am Legend - Will Smith trying to Save the World - Warner Brothers

There Will Be Blood - Daniel Day Lewis at his Best - Miramax

Blood Diamond - Great Action Film - Warner Brothers

Grizzly Man - One of the Best Comedies of the year - Lions Gate Films

The Hitcher - A Remake of the classic Thriller that only gets better

Employee of the Month - Dane Cook & Jessica Simpson Comedy

300 - The All Time Greatest Battle of the Spartans - Warner Bros.

Planet Earth Box Set - Best Cinematography to Date!






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