Tag Archives: Cindy Bonish

Random Awakening

Bonish Photography, Bald Eagle, Bird in Flight, Cedar Key

So many times we go through life complaining and griping about things that are so petty. Luckily for me, Cindy is a pretty steady ship and can keep me grounded and humble on many occasions when I complain or forget how lucky I really am. Yesterday afternoon, I was smacked in the face with a […]

Sanibel to St. Pete Beach

Bonish Photography, Sea Grape, Sun Set,

With a great nights sleep behind us, we awoke early this morning to tight and stiff leg muscles. What were we thinking yesterday? Who just gets on their bikes and goes for a 26 mile bike ride in 90 degree temperatures with really high humidity? Especially when the longest bike ride you’ve done in the […]

Summers Over!

Labor Day is that spot on the calendar that tells American’s that summer has ended, school is back in secession and we start looking forward to fall. Autumn is by far my favorite season of them all. Living in Central Florida, we get to enjoy fall much longer than those that live in the Northern […]

Summer Storms in Florida

One thing that Florida is known for is their Lightning. The state has more lightning than all the other states combined with a whopping 25.3 strikes per square mile and 1.45 million lightning strikes each year, on average. Central Florida is the most lightning prone area in the United States with about 90 thunderstorm days a year. […]

Louisiana Vacation

We’d only been back from Minnesota long enough to catch up on emails, get our business caught up at the Low-Key Hideaway and get our clothes washed before we were leaving for Louisiana. I don’t know if you’d call this one a vacation since we’d be babysitting the entire time. Seeing the Grandkids and getting […]